Ground Ivy, Hen Bit, Dead Nettle, Cleavers & Lamb’s Quarters
MAY 2021 — In early spring, groundcovers crop up and spread with vigor, and our yards and fields are covered in purple hazes with common plants that are regarded as weeds. But Ground Ivy, Hen Bit and Purple Dead Nettle are powerful spring tonics, medicines, early food for pollinators, and regenerators of the soil.
Early abundant greens include Cleavers and Lamb’s Quarters, which offer a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and healthy energy. Join us on this episode of the How’s It Growin’? radio show from KZUM, “Plant Stories, Life Medicines”© series with host Bob Henrickson and special guest Barbara Salvatore, for foraging, harvesting, and culinary storytelling, with bonus material about Boneset and Yarrow.
How’s It Growin’? – Your Weekly Gardening Connection
A live call in radio show hosted by Bob Henrickson, with the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, every Wednesday from 11:00AM to noon on KZUM, 89.3 FM, Lincoln, NE.
The show promotes local garden clubs and events, sustainable agriculture, local food, and a celebration of what we like to call beneficial landscaping. Barbara Salvatore is a monthly guest for the “Plant Stories, Life Medicines” series, which focuses on the traditional, folk, food, and medicinal uses of wild and cultivated plants and trees.
Barbara Salvatore, from Verdigre, Nebraska, is the author and illustrator of the Big Horse Woman series including BIG HORSE WOMAN, MAGGHIE, The Trail, and Together to Gather.
The books revolve around two main characters, Big Horse Woman—Ponca, a plant medicine healer and Seed Keeper—and Magghie—a German emigrant who has learned about herbs from her mother. The two women eventually meet in Niobrara and, unable to speak to each other, learn to converse through their shared Language of Plants.
I share from personal experience and results, and do not claim medical expertise.
Always consult your doctor or medical professional when needed!
Giving Thanks and Praise - to all the plants, elders and teachers who have guided my journey.
Curiosity is the best teacher! Listen and learn.