Upcoming Radio Shows 2022
scheduled on KZUM How’s It Growin’
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2022 — Winter Roots
To get us through the cold months:
Jerusalem Artichoke, Dock, Dandelion, Chicory, Valerian, Ginger
Past Podcasts
Plant Classes & Gatherings
Prairie Herbalists Conference
An herbal education event featuring two days of learning from bio-regional prairie herbalists and naturalists with a wealth of wisdom to share.
Plant Language, Plant Characters - with Barbara Salvatore:
No matter where on earth, if people live, there will be plants. Worldwide, a language of plants evolved along with us.
Plant knowledge grounds our stories, well rooted, and tapped into memories. Our characters are drawn to specific plants and places, as keys to survival, nourishment, healing, shelter; encountered on the trails, in fields, woods, gardens.
Plants hold powers and secrets, set, and change moods, relay messages, provide strong symbols.
Plants weave through history, stories, poetry, legends, and song.
My stories focus on North American Indigenous and Settler plant use and preparation, as food, medicine, teas, infusions, poultices, salves, tonics, tinctures, meads, wines, and tonics.
Women on the Wing: Pollinators & Produce
Join Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever of Nebraska along with Becoming an Outdoor Woman, Walton’s, and Kimmel Orchard for a fun afternoon of Pollinators & Produce!
This social event welcomes participants to learn about the importance of pollinators and experience their role in our lives through hands-on experiences. Not to mention samples of the tasty drinks & food they provide for us.
Topics and tours include:
Habitat tour of native grasslands and wildflowers, orchard apiaries (bee hives)
Sweet Medicine with indigenous leader Barbara Salvatore
And pollinator tastings followed by local cider and wine tastings during a social hour.
Roots to Rise: Plants All Around Us
Identity Enrichment Day Camp
Class-Inside and Out!
We will have a Fun Day learning Plants, how they get their names, how they are related to us, and how they offer food, healing, and happiness.
We will make herbal teas, and walk outside to discover who, where, when and how plant friends grow.
Art, photography, and journaling will be activities used to remember our explorations.
Fun Day Plant Day
Explore through stories, pictures and games. Discover Plant Friends that live all around us, and are food and medicine for us, the animals, birds and bugs. How to start a garden from seeds!
Learning plants one at a time, led by curiosity, and how to correctly identify a plant before use. Gather a leaf or two, a bud, flower, stem, and save for identification by book or internet reference, or by someone who knows the plants.
SIX FAVORITE PLANT FRIENDS WE WILL MEET: Dandelion, Plantain, Catnip, Beebalm, Violets and Nettles
“Culturally speaking, Big Horse Woman brings the language side to life, with numerous other dynamics, seed carrying, plant cultivation etc. This to me is Language Arts and Humanities, by definition.”
— FREEDOM S. THOMPSON, AAS; Roots to Rise Camp Director; Associates of Applied Sciences, Culinary Arts & Science